Friday, March 24, 2017

Book Blogger Hop: March 24th - 30th

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Welcome to the new Book Blogger Hop!

If you want schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

What to do:

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

  This week's question is submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books)!

How do you handle negative comments left on your blog?

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below (enter your Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Failure to do so will result in removal of your link).

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading other posts and possible become a new follower.  The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

My Answer: 

 I don't get very many negative comments on here. However, when I do receive one, I don't let the criticism get to me.

Linky List:

URL: Link to your blog hop post
Name: Your first name @ Title of your blog

get the InLinkz code


  1. I don't get a lot of negative comments either but I do try and be nice and just let them not bother me.

  2. I don't get negative comments either. If I would, I would just delete it and not worry about it.

    Have a good weekend.

  3. I don't either and the few I have gotten I've just ignored. I think for the most part book people are just nice!

  4. I don't get a lot of negative comments so I can relate, but it's good you don't let them get to you.

  5. I haven't got any negative comments since I'm a new blogger but if I have in the future, I will still try to be nice and not ignoring the comments. I'm all about positivity. It means they care. :-D

  6. I haven't really gotten any negative comments either. If a person is verbally abusive or utterly disrespectful, I just wouldn't post the comment.

  7. Sometimes I find negative comments hard to get over, which I talked about in my response. When I react viscerally, and negatively, to another blogger's post, usually I won't say anything at all. If the post or comment perpetuates stereotypes or upholds oppression of a group in any way, I try to calm down before correcting the misconception.

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. I get some passive aggressive comments on the blog now and then and I reply with a simple, "Really?" On Goodreads though, wow, they can be awful. The worst ones have been from Children's picture book authors. Ha ha.


I adore reading reader feedback! I will, however, remove all spam and pointless comments.

Please take note that I have the right to delete comments from this site. Please only post constructive and respectful feedback.